E4 Healthcare Registration help



As part of the E4 Healthcare registration process, there are two documents that need to be certified. These are the 100 point ID check and the Criminal Statutory Declaration. If these documents are not certified, they cannot be accepted and the registration cannot be completed.


Instructions on how to certify your documents:
• Make a copy (photocopy) of the original documents - Such as your passport, drivers licence, medicare card etc for the 100 point ID check and your completed statutory declaration form
• Take the original document and your copy to an
Authorised Officer (please see list below) who can certify documents.

• The Authorised Officer will:
• check your copy is the same as the original
• visually compare your face against the photograph on any identity document to confirm that you are the person pictured in any of the documents with a photograph, and
• certify the copy of your document(s)

*** Popular places to get your documents certified included the post office, pharmacy or police station.
Or by doing an internet search for a justice of the peace in your local area.


In Australia, the following people are authorised to certify documents:

• Health professions: Chiropractor, dentist, medical practitioner, nurse, optometrist, pharmacist, physiotherapist, psychologist.
• Legal professions: Legal practitioner, patent attorney, trademarks' attorney.
• Court positions: Bailiff, justice of the peace, judge, magistrate, registrar or deputy registrar, clerk, master of a court, CEO of a Commonwealth court
• Commissioner for Affidavits, or Commissioner for Declarations (dependent on jurisdictions)
• Government representatives (elected): Federal, state or territory or local
• Public servants: Federal, state or territory or local – employed for five years or more.
• Employees of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
• Bank officer, building society officer, credit union officer, finance company officer – employed for five years or more
• Veterinary surgeon
• Accountant (member of ICA, ASA, IPA or CPA, ATMA, NTAA)
• Minister of religion, or marriage celebrant
• Member of: – Chartered Secretaries Australia – Engineers Australia, other than at the grade of student – Australian Defence Force (an officer; or a noncommissioned officer with five years or more of continuous service; a warrant officer) – Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
• Notary public
• Holder of a statutory office not specified in another item in this Part
• Police officer
• Sheriff or sheriff's officer
• Teacher (full-time) at a school or tertiary education institution

Ensure that the following is either written or stamped on your document by the authorised officer:

  • 'This is a certified true copy of the original as sighted by me' 
  • their signature
  • their full name
  • their occupation
  • their phone number
  • the date
  • their address (optional)
  • AHPRA number (if applicable)


Thank you for choosing E4 Healthcare to provide you with shifts with Australian Healthcare providers!

We have put together this information to assist you with correctly certifying your documents. This is an important step to get you registered with us at E4 Healthcare. If you have any further questions please contact your agency consultant directly or contact the office on 1300 854 400

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