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Hey there! 

My name is Owen and I look after Allied Health roles at E4 Recruitment. Instead of giving you the same spiel every other agency gives, I will just say the following: we have worked very hard at E4 to build up a good reputation with healthcare providers & employers of every nature, and always aim to deliver the best recruitment service possible to both those companies and allied health professionals we work with. 

The Allied Health team handles roles across aged-care, community, NDIS, occupational rehab, private & public hospitals, private practice, and medical device sales. 

In a snapshot, the job-market is still off-kilter but starting to move again. If you are accustomed to locum aged-care & hospital work, it is still short on the ground due to the fallout from COVID-19. However, I am in touch with aged-care providers & hospitals every week and from these conversations, I'm confident we will see that market start to bounce back properly by August at the latest and pick up in July. When it comes to permanent roles, there are roles hiring in NDIS, community, aged care & occupational rehab whereas private practices, medical device sales and hospitals have slowed hiring for the most part but will pick up soon. 

If you are not interested but you know of anyone looking for work, please send me their details or send them this link, and if I place them in role, I will send you a $500 referral bonus as a thank you!

If interested, please take 3 minutes and fill out the form linked here: Expression Of Interest Form

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