Work Health & Safety Policy and Procedures

Promoting a safety culture between E4 Recruitment Management, Employees and Clients, in order to effectively provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all. 

Our Commitment to Safety

E4 Recruitment will establish and promote a safety culture between E4 Recruitment Management, Employees and Clients, in order to effectively provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Ongoing compliance with all health and safety legislative requirements, guidance material and relevant standards;
  • Processes for identification, assessment and hazard controls are in place in environments where E4 Recruitment employees are conducting work;
  • Appropriate supervision and training is provided to all employees to enable them to perform their tasks safely;
  • Periodic inspection and review of the workplace and work practices is conducted;
  • Standardised response to deal with workplace incident or injury, prevention of recurrence;
  • Consult with employees on matters relating to health, safety and wellbeing; and
  • Facilitation of return to work for injured workers.


E4 Recruitment’s Responsibilities 

We will:

• obtain accurate information from your Host Employer regarding the type of knowledge, skills and experience required to perform your work safely

• conduct an initial assessment of the Host Employer’s site to ensure that your Host Employer provides and maintains a safe working environment

• ensure your Host Employer carries out suitable inductions and job training reasonable to your role and duties 

• maintain documentary evidence and records relating to all issues of employment and occupational health and safety

E4 Worker’s Responsibilities 

You will:

• observe and comply with all health and safety standards provided to you by the Host Employer at all times

• follow all safety signage, warnings or instructions provided by a Host Employer or delegate whilst working at their site

• follow all health and safety policies and procedures provided to you by E4 Recruitment or your Host Employer

• report any known or observed hazards to your Host Employer and E4 Recruitment 

• promote a safe working culture at all times

Host Employer’s Responsibilities

The Host Employer will:

• model health and safety leadership 

• ensure safe work practices are being followed 

• encouraging all workers to report any incidents, hazards and safety concerns promptly 

• foster a safe work culture where worker’s input is valued

Hazard Identification

A hazard is something that has the potential to cause injury. It may be associated with your Host Employer’s site location, equipment, environment and/or work practice. We ask that you work with your Host Employer and E4 Recruitment to identify and control any hazards. 

Should an E4 worker identify a hazard, they must immediately notify their Host Employer and E4 Recruitment as soon as possible. 

Risk Assessment

When a hazard has been identified, a risk assessment will be completed by the Host Employer in consultation with the E4 worker.

We ask that if there is an immediate risk of injury or illness, the E4 worker must take immediate action to ensure their own safety. We also ask that the E4 worker immediately contacts E4 Recruitment to advise them of the situation. 

Following the completion of the risk assessment, E4 Recruitment and the Host Employer will try to eliminate the hazard altogether, or seek alternative arrangements to control the risk. 


In the event that a work incident or injury occurs, E4 Recruitment and the Host Employer must immediately be notified. 

The Host Employer or delegate will ensure:

• To aid the injured E4 worker in the most practicable way, once the injury has occurred

• To contact emergency services if the injury is serious or life threatening

• To contact E4 Recruitment and advise them of the injury

E4 Recruitment will contact the E4 worker’s emergency contact and advise them of the incident and/or injury. The E4 worker must complete the Incident, Hazard and Risk Form within 24 hours of the injury.  

Unacceptable Health & Safety Risks

All E4 workers must not be involved with any of the below activities in the workplace as they pose a serious health and safety risk. Breaches are considered unacceptable and will likely result in disciplinary actions which may include immediate termination. 

• Personal crimes against any other worker whether an E4 worker or a worker employed by the Host Employer 

• Bullying

• Harassment

• Working under the influence of any behaviour altering substance (including but not limited to alcohol or other drugs)

• Fighting on work premises

• Carrying or displaying firearms or other potentially dangerous items

• Wilful breaches of E4 Recruitment’s or the Host Employer’s health and safety requirements

Expected Results

Risks to health and safety are minimised through appropriate work practices. All work must be carried out in a safe and effective manner.

Continuous Improvement

All E4 workers contribute to quality improvement in work health and safety practices by participating in and responding to internal audits, work place inspections and surveys, whether issued by E4 Recruitment or the Host Employer.

Expected Results

Risks to health and safety are minimised through appropriate work practices. All work must be carried out in a safe and effective manner.

Work Health and Safety Procedure

If you have sustained an injury at work, please complete the Incident Report Form:

Incident Report Form


  1. If you witness an incident take place whilst working at the Host Employer’s site resulting in a worker getting injured, please render First Aid, if required or if a serious incident, please call 000 immediately.
  2. If you sustain an injury whilst working, please lay or sit and wait until the Host Employer or a relevant delegate provides you with the required First Aid treatment.
  3. Follow direction from the Host Employer regarding any local incident reporting requirements.
  4. Contact your E4 Recruitment Consultant to report the injury and follow any direction regarding Medical Assessment requirements.
  5. The Host Employer will notify E4 Recruitment who will contact your emergency contact (if required).
  6. Within the first 24 hours of the incident occurring, an Incident Report Form should be completed and submitted to E4.
  7. E4 Recruitment will conduct an investigation based on the information provided by the E4 worker and Host Employer’s information. 

For staff in Victoria only

If you're injured at work, you can find detailed information here:

DOWNLOAD - If you are injured at work

For information about the Return to Work process, refer to the following:

DOWNLOAD - Important Return to Work Information 

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